Summer Rain
When the flowers of my garden
Gasp in the cruel hands of summer,
When dreams and desires
Start withering away in the heat,
When memories boil, I wait,
Like a rain bird searching for
A drop of water and life...
A Gentle kiss of north wind...
Then come the dreams... dry and red
To bleed my silent gentle sleep.
A spider trapping the 'Questions
Of Gargi*' with its killing Net.
The abandoned finger of Ekalavya**,
Children playing on a dry river 'land'...
My love, the gentle breezes are gone...
Come and hug me, We'll wait for the summer rains.
* Gargi - symbol of true questions in vedas. She challenged the sage Yajnavalkya with perturbing questions on the atman (soul).
** Ekalavya - Drona, the Guru demands that Ekalavya turn over his right thumb as a teacher's fee. The loyal Ekalavya cripples himself, and thereby ruins his prospects as an archer, by severing his thumb and giving it to Drona.