Parts of a paper:
- Title (keep it short!)
- Authors (typically listed in alphabetical order unless some one’s contribution stands out)
- Abstract (shorter version of intro)
- Intro (here is where you do the selling – perhaps the most important section)
- What is the problem?
- Why is it important? What are the applications?
- Why are existing solutions inadequate?
- What are our key technical contributions?
- Highlight of experimental results
- Related work (here you compare & differentiate with existing work, try to be comprehensive)
- Model & Problem definition (formal statement of the problem)
- Algo/solution for subproblem 1
- Algo/solution for subproblem 2
- Experimental evaluation
- Data sets (preferably real-life)
- Performance metrics (accuracy, execution time)
- Algo/solutions compared
- Experimentation platform
- Performance graphs
- Conclusions
- Recap of contributions, experimental results
- Directions for future work
- References
- Appendix (here’s where you put details like proofs of theorems, non-critical but useful reference material)